This is the 1st part of automatizng Local Group Policies.
In this post you will learn how to :
- Create new local users and groups
- Configure Local Group Policies
Requirements :
- Windows PowerShell 4.0
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4
Groups and Users
Download and install Carbon
Powershell Module
Remember to Unblock files
Start PowerShell ISE as administrator
Use this command for import Carbon
module to Powerhsell
Set-ExecutionPolicy bypass -Force
Import-Module -Name PATH_TO_CARBON_MODULE\Import-Carbon.ps1
Examples of using the module
Create New User :
Install-User -UserName Dev -Password P@SS0W0RD -UserCannotChangePassword
Create New Group:
Install-Group -Name DevGroup -Description 'Dev'
Add User to Group:
Add-GroupMember -Name DevGroup -Member Dev
Remove Group Member :
Remove-GroupMember -Name Devgroup -Member Dev
2.Set Local
Group Policies
PolicyFileEditor PowerShell Module by Dave Wyatt
Extract downloaded files on your
computer and make sure that files are unblocked and name of module match name
of Windows PowerShell Script Module file.
It’s important.
Now copy unblocked and prepared
module here :
Type this commands for Import and
start using PolicyFileEditor module
Set-ExecutionPolicy bypass -Force
Import-Module -Name PolicyFileEditor
we have two ways to set Local Group Policy restrictions:
First way
Use Microsoft Management Console.
Set whole configuration for computer and user manually. Then import all
settings to .xml file which can be used multiple times for apllying this
settings on another machines via PowerShell.
File/Add-Remove Snap-in…
Choose “Group Policy Object Editor”
Local Computer :
Or/And Users
Now you can start setting Local
Group Policy restrictions
Save your settings.
Go to part 2 --->
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